Inspiring striding - Elise Foster

Posted by Peter Goldring on

Inspiring striding - Elise Foster

We have so much love for our happystride community ❤️ You guys are so inspiring and we want to get to know you a little better...and we know others would like to as well.

SO we bring you to....the next post in our blog series ..."Inspiring striding"!!! We have the AMAZING Elise Foster join us!🖊 

We are sooo pleased to have Elise as our guest! Elise got into running 6 years ago and ran the Paris marathon this year! So if you want to know more about that and what her top tips are read on.

Thanks so much Elise for joining in with our blog ❤️

How long have you been running for and how did you originally get into it?

I originally started running in February 2017. I was part of the track and field team at university, doing shot put (how things have changed!) and we decided that we wanted to have a varsity event during the main varsity week as opposed to just our summer track and field varsity, so we organised a varsity at parkrun against our local rivals. We didn’t have quite enough girls to make a women’s team, and my friend encouraged me to do it, despite my fears of walking or coming last, being told I would not come last and could walk the whole thing if I wanted. I played rugby as well at the time, so running wasn’t completely foreign to me, so I signed up and did it in about 39 mins. It’s not the most recommended way to start running, but that first run has led to a habit and a great way to manage my anxiety and connected me to so many different types of people and even into the world of triathlon!

What’s your greatest running achievement?

It’s cliched but running a marathon. I entered Paris marathon last year after a couple of drinks, as decided I wanted to know what it was like to run a marathon and if I hated it, then I’d never have to run one again. I also needed something to keep me running in the winter, as I was struggling with consistency when the weather got colder, and I know I would have to commit to the plan, otherwise mentally I’d struggle on race day if the run felt hard if I’d skipped out on runs! 

Where is your favourite place to run? 

I’m not sure if it’s my favourite, but I really enjoy Tonbridge parkrun even in its glorious mud in the winter! It’s flat, has woodland and a lap around a lake, making it quite scenic!

What are your top 3 running tips?

Consistency is key! Just aim for 3 runs a week, ideally spaced out with rests between them if you’re a newer runner. Running will start to feel easier if you run regularly and you will notice improvements. 

Easy running - it’s taken a while, but following the 80:20 rule, where 80% of my runs are easy conversational pace (easy isn’t a number - it’s a feeling!) and 20% harder or faster. This has led to a 10k pb recently!

Walking on your run - it’s okay to walk on your run. Sometimes it’s just quicker to walk, and will keep you running for longer. It’s still a run if you walk on your run. 

What does your running schedule typically look like and how do you fit it into your life?

I currently have two horses, and dabbled in triathlon this summer, so my running schedule varies. 

When I’m not training for anything in particular I aim for three times a week - twice with Beginners2Runners and a Saturday morning parkrun. I also do a long run on a Sunday but sometimes this happens after show jumping if I’m competing and training for something longer distance (this happened a few times marathon training) and when marathon training I sometimes did a run on a Tuesday or Wednesday as well, but this varied depending on the week. I’m not a morning person outside of races or parkruns, although I definitely run better in the morning, but it’s about making running work for me and my schedule, not the other way around!

What’s your dream race?

New York marathon! 

What do you eat for breakfast before a race and why?

Paris marathon was fuelled on croissants and coffee and a banana! My first sub 2:30 half was fuelled on scrambled eggs and hash browns… Royal parks next week will be fuelled on a McDonald’s breakfast of an egg McMuffin and hash browns! Porridge when I’m not hungry is not for me!

How do you like to celebrate a PB? 

A pint of cider! 

Who are your running inspirations and why?

Sir Mo - his joy for running is a whole new level and watching him get double gold at London will live on in my memory forever. 

Ellis Cross - his win at vitality 10,000 last year was incredible as a non elite club runner that had paid for his entry. The stuff of fairy tales!

Paula Radcliffe - her world record stood for years, and she’s also a fellow asthmatic, reminding me that you can run fast even if your lungs find it a bit harder!

What’s your favourite happystride pattern and why?

Get spotted! I have them in the loose fit and legging, and it’s taking a lot of self control to not buy them in the tight fit as well. Just such a pretty colour!

If you could design the next pair of happystride shorts, what pattern would you choose and why?

I would either go for lemons, for when life gives you lemons or something with horse shoes on because feelin lucky!

Wow, thank you so much Elise for joining us and answering our questions! Stay tuned for our next 'inspiring striding' blog in our series where we will have another inspiring guest!


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