Inspiring striding - Linsay Black

Posted by Peter Goldring on

We have so much love for our happystride community ❤️ You guys are so inspiring and we want to get to know you a little better...and we know others would like to as well.

SO we bring you to....the next post in our blog series ..."Inspiring striding"!!! We have the AMAZING Linsay Black join us!🖊 You have likely seen the dancing video of Linsay in one of our Facebook ads! LOVE IT!

We are sooo pleased to have Linsay as our guest! Linsay got into running in 2016 and is a big happystride fan ❤️

So if you want to know Linsay's top 3 running tips, what her greatest running achievement is and her dream race please read on.

Thanks so much Linsay for joining in with our blog ❤️

How long have you been running for and how did you originally get into it?

I went on my first ever run since school cross country (and then I hid in the local cafe) in January 2016...I was 44. I had impulsively signed up for the Great North Run to raise money for the British Heart Foundation. My brother had passed away in 2013 and I'd wanted to do something out of my comfort zone to honour his life. I remember that first run like it was yesterday. I managed to get to the end of my close...around 300m before almost collapsing and thinking what have I done !! I promptly downloaded a 0-10k app followed by a 10-21k one and religiously stuck to them. What a run that GNR was...the atmosphere was amazing. I finished in 02.28.13 and was totally elated. 

Where is your favourite place to run?

I'm lucky enough to live in the countryside near Woburn and I never tire of the beautiful trails around there. Apart from that I really enjoy running when I'm on holiday. Such a great way to explore new places. 

Tell us a bit about your running experience? PBs, etc?

Running is often about carving a few seconds off here and there and commitment and continuity over the years has seen that for me with all distances. 26.06 is my current PB for 5K and 56.12 for my 10k. My aim is 25 and 55 so I'll keep chipping away. Seven years after running that initial 02.28.13 at the GNR in 2016 saw me run my first sub 2hr half in May this year. It had been my nemesis with many 02.04, 02.03, 02.02 finishes going beforehand. What's next...nearer 01.55 of course !! 

What are your top 3 running tips?

My top 3 running tips are; 

1) That it is totally ok to walk when needed. Moving forward and time on feet is most important. 

2) Don't ignore little niggles. They have a sneaky way of turning over night into big ones.

3) Remember that your mind will give up long before your body will. Keep telling yourself that you can do it....because you can. 

What’s your greatest running achievement?

In 2019 whilst sitting in our local hospice with my mum during the last weeks of her life I applied for one of their London Marathon charity places. I was so proud to not only get the place and run a marathon but to of raised over £10k for them.... I must also add the elation of when I ran for 20 minutes for the first time without stopping is right up there too...I stood in the street with my arms in the air shouting YESSS. 

What does your running schedule typically look like and how do you fit it into your life?

Over the years I have settled into running routine. I'm a very early morning runner so it doesn't encroach into the whole day. Sunday I help my friend run a community 0-5K run club in the village where we live. Sometimes we might get 3-5 miles in before that starts. Monday and Wednesday are both 6-8 chatty trail miles with a friend. Friday 10-13 mile road long run, Saturday sometimes parkrun. Mix in some strength and yoga and that's my general week. I'm hoping to do a spring marathon (I've booked Manchester) so those distances will gradually increase from Nov this year. 

What’s your dream race?

An ultra on the Scottish Highland trails is in my brain somewhere. Whether it ever shows itself only time will tell. 

What do you eat for breakfast before a race and why?

Fuelling has been (and still is) a huge learning curve to me. I have Ulcerative Colitis which often leads to GI problems even before trying to stomach gels. 3 hours before a race I stick to the tried and tested toasted gluten free white bagel with chopped banana covered in honey. Then about an hour before a rice krispie marshmallow bar all with hydration. 

How do you like to celebrate after a race?

My ideal after race celebration would be a bath followed by walking the dog to the pub for a roast dinner and glass of bubbles. Oh and a slice of tiffin would make that perfect. 

Who are your running inspirations and why?

The everyday person I see running when I'm out and about. Regardless of age, size, gender, ability or speed I have nothing but respect and utter admiration for them. I found out such a remarkable thing when I started running. Runners always want to run to their best ability but what they also want is other runners to run to the best of their ability too...How inspirational is that! 

What’s your favourite happystride pattern and why?

Favourite happystride that's a toughie. As I love green and camo I'd have to say 'stride and hide' was an immediate fave.. 

If you could design the next pair of happystride shorts, what pattern would you choose and why?

What a fabulous a lifelong fan of the band Madness I'd have to say a pair with the words 'One Step Beyond' on them would be epic... 
Or as my nickname is Ferret (don't ask) maybe some with ferrets on... 
One things for sure I'd definitely run faster in either of them 🏃🏼‍♀️🤣 

Wow, thank you so much Linsay for joining us and answering our questions! Stay tuned for our next 'inspiring striding' blog in our series where we will have another inspiring guest!

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